InPlace Care has a vision to ensure that we provide a healthy and safe work environment for every employee, contractor, visitor and other persons, and that we minimise impacts to our environment.

We take an integrated approach to the management of health, safety and environment (HSE) risks. We aim to ensure that all employees and contractors exercise individual responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of others; in our workplace or arising from our work, and actively participate in minimising impacts to our environment.


To achieve our Vision we are committed to:

  • eliminating or minimising hazards and risks that have potential to cause injuries, health issues, environmental impacts or pollution at our workplaces or arising from work activities;
  • raising awareness of relevant legislation and other legal requirements to achieve compliance;
  • setting and reviewing measurable objectives and targets in order to continuously improve our HSE management system;
  • providing HSE support and training to managers, employees and contractors;
  • integrating HSE considerations into all business decisions;
  • enhancing our HSE communication, consultation and co-ordination processes;
  • enhancing and continuously improving our HSE culture for the workplace and our customers; and
  • continuously improving our HSE performance through monitoring, reviewing and reporting.


Our continued success depends on genuinely living our values of:

  • leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Integrity  
  • Accountability
  • Passion
  • Diversity
  • Quality


We are integrating HSE into every part of our business to ensure that all employees, contractors and people we interact with know they have a right and are expected to work safely and consider HSE in everything they do. We are systematically identifying, managing and reviewing our risks, including considering health, safety and the environment. We provide leadership on the importance of HSE in every aspect of our business. Our HSE performance and effectiveness will be continuously monitored to ensure we achieve our vision.

Our continued success depends on safe and healthy workplaces whilst minimising environmental impacts.